Friday, May 14, 2010

Illegal Immigration

In A Citizen's Post, I recently read about her thoughts and views on illegal immigration. I enjoyed reading her post and getting an insight on how other people view illegal immigration. The first word in the title is "illegal", meaning prohibited by the law. So that right there shows that illegal immigration is not right, there is nothing about it that makes it okay. I do have a heart and sympathy for people that do not have the greatest lives and want to make them better. However I lose that sympathy when the way out of their bad life is committing an illegal and federal crime to make it better. That is not the answer, there are other LEGAL ways they can go about.
There are currently 22,786,364 illegal aliens in our country. More than half of that number is from Mexico. So I 100% support Arizona's attempt to reduce this number and put a stop to illegal immigration. When the federal attempts fail to succeed, more power to the states to try and take care of such a HUGE problem!

Did you know that the CIA reports that the Mexican unemployment rate was recently only 4%, lower than 150 other countries and lower than the unemployment rate of the United States? Mexico is home to the richest man in the world, has nine billionaires and has more millionaires than Germany.

With those statistics, I have a hard time believing that America is the answer to their problems. I love to help, but I do not love to help people that do not deserve it and end up hurting our country. I do not mean to sound cold hearted here, but I cannot find one single good thing about illegal immigration. This problem needs to be fixed!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Overwhelming Oppositions of Obesity

American society is all about possessing the picture perfect look. Advertisements are everywhere you go, whether it be from different methods to help you lose weight or doctors that can help you undergo plastic surgery to make you look "better".
There is no way you can escape the reality that Americans are never completely satisfied with their own looks.
It is sort of contradicting of us to be this way though when it is our own faults for the way we look. For example no one has to use tanning beds, but we still do even when we know that it is proven to give a person cancer. Fast food restaurants do not have to have our business, but they do because they are "convenient" and/or "cheap". Everything we do has a rhyme or reason, but when it comes to an individuals health I do not feel there is a good enough reason to put something so harmful in your body when you know the effects, or expose your body to something you know has harmful effects as well.

Almost two-thirds of American adults are considered overweight, that is sixty-six percent of our population that is at an unhealthy weight. And on top of that nearly one-third of our population is so overweight that they are considered obese, (meaning they have a body mass index greater than thirty). Not very impressive statistics for America.

For an individual that is overweight, the side effects that are caused by it are not pleasant and can be life threatening. As sad as it is, studies have shown that people who are overweight can be targets for bullies; even vice versa, a person that is overweight and has a low self-esteem might be more prone to make fun of someone just so they can feel better about themselves.
The underlying fact is that nothing good comes of being overweight, and that is no secret. America needs to figure out how to become a healthier population. I feel that if we were a healthier population the rates of depression, bullying, diseases, death rates, and several other things could be significantly lowered. With lower rates of such things, only good things could come!