Monday, April 19, 2010

It Is NOT The Government's Choice

In my previous blog entry I sort of touched on the abortion subject; not so much about whether or not it should be illegal, but about how the privileged born babies should get the right nutrients in their early stages of life. Well I am now commenting on abortion, and the post that my classmate Megan made about pro-life/pro-choice.

I have to agree with her that abortion should continue to be legal, and that her reason behind it is exactly how I feel as well. A woman has every right when it comes to her own body, why would any individual want that right taken away from them, or to take that away from a person? It is just not right. Not all pregnancies go as planned or expected, things happen, mistakes get made, etc, etc...

For a woman to make the personal decision of whether or not they will keep their baby is a HUGE, HUGE decision. It takes lots of thought, consideration, planning, and evaluating what the life will be like after the baby is possibly born.
-Can I financially support a child?
-Will I have time for he/she?
-Will the father be involved?
-Do I have support from my family/the fathers family?
-Was the baby conceived because a man and woman truly loved each other and were planning this?
-Was it a teenage mistake?
-Was the woman raped?
-Is the woman healthy enough to deliver a baby?
-Will the baby be healthy?

A child forever changes lives..

For the people that argue adoption is an option; why are there so many orphanages and children without parents? Why bring one more life into that sad arrangement that they will forever hold against the parents that made them and could not keep them?

So many emotions run through me when this subject gets brought up. Abortion sucks. It does not make a woman feel good about herself, and I do not know any person that truly "wants" an abortion. They make that hard decision for a reason, a personal reason where they are looking out for the best interest of the baby..Not because they are being selfish and don't feel they can live up to their situations they might have put themselves in. It takes a strong and smart woman to be able to decide what the right thing to do is before bringing an innocent child into a life they cannot provide for it.

It would be morally wrong for the government to make abortion illegal. It is not their decision, it is the woman's. Abortions will not stop being performed, so we might as well keep them legal and performed in the right atmospheres where it is safe and not against the law.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Every year there are hundreds of deaths and costly illnesses that develop and get the best of babies all around the world. However, we can reduce this number and the amount of money spent on saving them by pushing the importance of breast feeding a new born for their first six months of their lives.
The media and society has always had an uphill battle against saving unborn babies lives. The solution to saving those certain lives has been pushed with the idea of adoption or abstaining from abortion. What if that’s not the only way to save lives?
For the babies that get born into this life, breast feeding is proven to save more than 900 lives per year compared to babies that get bottle fed with formula. Maybe that should be the more realistic change that can be made and given more effort towards; breast feeding. Surprisingly, it is not just mothers that can help make the difference, but the government as well.
For instance, with the new health care changes taking place it is required that certain large businesses must offer private places for a working mother to be able to breast pump. This should help increase the number of breast feeding working mothers in the U.S. because they will now be aloud a time and a place to take care of their personal business while at work.
On April 1, a new provision enacted by the Joint Commission, a hospital accrediting agency; hospitals may be evaluated on their efforts to ensure that newborns are only fed breast milk before being sent home. If nurses can help a mother and baby build a bond and get used to breast feeding before being released, it only makes sense that the number of breast fed babies will increase.
These are both good ways the government is getting involved, but there can of course be more ways than just those. It is so important for a child to get the nutrients that is only available from breast milk; it creates anti bodies that help a child fight diseases and make them healthier, but also saves a family money by not buying formula or having to pay for doctors visits that could have been prevented with the natural milk from a mother.
The government needs to continue to educate our society of the importance of breast feeding, and find ways to make it easier for a mother to feed their child in the most natural form, whether they are working or not. We need to try and change "work" or being too "busy" from being a reason that breast feeding gets neglected.