Monday, February 15, 2010

Shall We Go Green?

We live in a city that has so many outdoor activities to offer, and we all know that the citizens love to take advantage of a beautiful day and hang outside. Its also obvious that Austin can be considered a "hippie" town. We love to be natural, environmentally friendly, and down to earth. What if our awesome city could become among one of the nation's greenest cities? My initial response is, we should do it! But what if it comes at a cost? The Statesman offers an article all about the proposed plan, what it is, the affects of the plan, some alternatives, and the cost of such a plan. I believe it is worth reading because it will affect you, your family, your environment, the future, and how much you will be paying towards an electricity bill. This plan has been in process for two years, and getting more serious as the time passes. The vote has not taken place yet, there is still time to read up and get all the facts you need to know, and make your voice be heard if you feel strong enough about the issue.